AI/ML links

Book Synthesis Examples
Book Synthesis Sample A
Book Synthesis Sample B

Book List more-or-less related to AI/Machine Learning

  • Burkov, Andriy. The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book (technical book for beginners)
  • Domingos, Pedro. The Master Algorithm (the five core algorithms in AI/ML. Non-technical)
  • Kurzweil, Ray. The Singularity is Near (best intro to thinking clearly about the future)
  • Kurzweil, Ray. How to Create a Mind (neuroscience and technology create intelligence)
  • McGrayne, Sharon B. The Theory That Would Not Die (history of Bayesian Statistics)
  • Mlodinow, Leonard. The Drunkard’s Walk: How randomness rules our lives (Great!)
  • Page, Scott. The Model Thinker (by top professor of simulation (also known as modeling)
  • Pinker, Stephen. Words & Rules (non-technical analysis of human brain algorithms)
  • Schneier, Bruce. Data & Goliath (non-technical analysis of value of data vs privacy)
  • Stephenson, Neal. The Diamond Age: or a young girl’s illustrated primer (education & AI)
  • programming books on R or Python or AI library like Tensorflow

Sources of Data

K-12 Projects

Texts for In-Depth AI/ML Study

Texts & Resources Specific to Statistics and R

Models of Machine Learning (5 models per Pedro Domingos)

  • 40-min 2019 talk. Pedro Domingos, Demystifying Artificial Intelligence & Maching Learning: What you need to know 2019 talk at New York University Stern School of Business BEST overall conceptual explanation by a real expert in the field. Long intro(10-min), then 40 solid minutes, then 30 min Q&A. Covers 5 tribes of ML, the three problems that all MS algorithms must solve, and how we may get to a master algorithm that can learn anything well.
  • 20-min 2016 TED talk on ML importance and simple explanations of 5 models and search for the Master Algorithm:
  • 12-min 2017 TED talk on the Next 100 Years of Your Life — a responsible ML researcher projects the coming changes to YOUR life!:

Machine Learning with Python (and Scikit-Learn)

Bayesian Statistics – Probabilistic Modeling

General AI/ML Potential

AI & ML Case Studies

Human — Machine PARTNERSHIPS (& Augmented Intelligence)

Machine Learning Visualized

AI & ML in Education

AI & ML in Healthcare and other Services

Training and Courses in AI & ML

Genetic/Evolutionary Algorithms

Neural Networks: Machine Learning through Back-propagation

What’s a neural network and how does it work? Series of YouTube videos from introductory to complex math by master videographer and explainer 3Blue1Brown. First video:

Neural networks connected to brain may drive future prosthetics:

Writing my first Machine Learning Game (1/4): The 4-part series takes you through a CONCEPTUAL understanding of building a neural network to train an avatar in a 3D game (in Unity3d). No code, just how to think about it. (1.5 million views!)

Deep Learning – Reinforcement Learning

Can AI Algorithms Help Human Decisions? The Brain & AI

  • Computational Neuroscientist Tom Griffiths’ 12-min TED talk gives three examples of human-usable algorithms learned from machines:
  • Karl Friston is a highly respected and high-level theoretician fascinated by using the human brain’s goals and methods to inform machine learning (and vice versa). He describes his Free Energy hypothesis using terms and concepts from both machine learning and neurology. Here are two 14-min talks from him. I recommend you listen to the first and, if you don’t like it or understand it a bit, then don’t bother with the second.:

Social and Societal Issues in Automation, AI & Machine Learning

Concerns About AI and Machine Learning

Hands-on Examples in R

  • Decision Tree Classifier in R (Iris dataset). Great 20-minute introduction, but first R code line must be install.packages(“rpart.plot”) :
  • Video comparing Naïve Bayes and k-Nearest-Neighbor algorithms using Australian Health Data to categorize citizens’ wellbeing. The 17-min video includes links to data and to R-script (links below video). Video shows how to explore refining or tuning the algorithms to improve predictions. Great example of the power of a few lines of R code to perform complex operations! Use the R-Script and FOLLOW THE VIDEO narration in R Stats: Naive Bayes and k-NN:

Hands-on Tutorials with TensorFlow